Лично я фанат, как помню, наверно дет с 11 этой группы... до сих пор слушаю и не надоело, хотя последний альбом мне не нравится))
The Prodigy
Сообщений 1 страница 30 из 30
Поделиться22005-04-29 21:55:18
Да.... это тема... А вот чел, ушедший из группы в House, непомню как его зовут... но вот в общем он сильно продвинулся в house...
Поделиться32005-04-30 07:09:46
обожаю их!!!! не фанатка, но слушаю частенько ))))))
Поделиться42005-05-01 16:13:53
Обожаю Лайама)))особенно их клип Babu s got a temper...Флинт ..хех..у меня огромное колличество его первосортных фотографий..даа я когда то временами пытаюсь воссоздать сюжет клипа в реальной жизни
Поделиться52005-05-01 21:28:56
Обожаю Лайама)))особенно их клип Babu s got a temper...Флинт ..хех..у меня огромное колличество его первосортных фотографий..даа я когда то временами пытаюсь воссоздать сюжет клипа в реальной жизни
Где ты берешь стока каров?? как в клипе... Или ты девушек имеешь ввиду??)) Да...ты мне ещё аабещал Казантип 2004....пазваню к те...выясню
Поделиться62005-05-02 07:32:18
да не только девки и машышынки есть в клипах этих камрадеZ)))там есть и более интересные вещи))
Поделиться72005-05-02 18:30:44
Не... мне нарвиЦЦа их мультяшный клип Breath,... типа Анимэ, ваще от души))) и Smak my Bitch up тож прикольный))
Поделиться82005-05-02 21:49:51
Не... мне нарвиЦЦа их мультяшный клип Breath,... типа Анимэ, ваще от души))) и Smak my Bitch up тож прикольный))
Ты про совокупление, нигер??)))
Поделиться92005-05-05 18:17:28
Да да... именно про то))) клёва)))
Поделиться102005-05-07 13:02:26
Поделиться112005-05-09 00:36:20
Нуууу я вообще по ним прикалываюсь!!!Как никак первое техно!!!!!1
Поделиться122005-05-16 18:02:15
И наверное последний по настоящему окуенный техно))
Поделиться132005-06-03 04:13:46
И наверное последний по настоящему окуенный техно))
Отличная группа, но...лично для меня...под настроение...колбаситься под неё самая тема.....уважаю Breath и Smak my Bitch up...реальные такие композиции.....они действительно гении техно :yahoo:
Поделиться142005-06-25 07:54:06
Forever Prodigy!!!!
Поделиться152005-06-27 03:53:43
Мля послушать можно)))
Поделиться162005-08-03 22:24:48
Взгляним повнимательней на творчество Продиджей
Сейчас я приведу альбомы Продиджи, композиции оттуда и покажу, откуда что слизано Не дружащие с английским отправляются за словарем)
Experience (Альбом и соответствующие ему синглы)
"Feel the base come down on me baby." and "Keep on dancing" is taken from a song by Jungle Brothers
"The Horns of jericho" vocal sample is from a song by HiJack called "The Badman is Robin"
In the sample "Feel the base come down on me baby." is "Baby" actually a "bounces sample"
"Aaaoooowwww!" Screamed by James Brown. Also used by Ultramagnetic MC's in their track 'Watch Me Now' from 'Critical Breakdown'
Genaside 2 remix of Jericho contains a sample from a Public Enemy song.
Music Reach
"Make me wanna shout" is from "Shout" by Lulu.
The vocal sample is from Liam's next door neighboor Simone at the age of 14.
"One! Two! Three! Four!" from same source as "Paid in Full - The Coldcut Remix" by Eric B and Rakim
Wind it Up (Bonus Beats)
Drum Loop is from "Crew from the North" by Ruthless Rap Assassins. Also sample from 'Express Yourself' by N.W.A.
Wind it Up (Tightly Wound)
Samples from Ace in Spaces "Nine is a classic"
Your Love
"Your love" vocal sample from sound recording of "Shelter me" by Circuit (credited in the album booklet)
Hyperspeed (G-Force Part 2)
text from "Ultramagnetics MC's"
intro speech from NASA
"Moving now at 9 times the speed of sound...Target at Dan??? I've got a similar tank?? locked on. 3 point trajectory." from Kate Bush - Hello Earth (Hounds of Love)
The vocals in Hyperspeed (check tis out we`ll cruise at hyperspeed...) are taken from a song called The Return of Captain Rock by Captain Rock. You can hear a audio sample here: wwwthedisco.demon.co.uk/electro.html (spotted by John Roche)
The track contains a sample from a 1970s BBC Public Information Film (from "Double Deckers" of ITV's "Say no to Strangers" campaign), in which a little kid is shown with his cat. One of the key sentences of the cartoon is the ”Charly says always tell your mummy before you go off somewhere” line, which eventually became the ”lyrics” of the song (Liam even got sued (unsuccessfully) for using this sample)
Voice of Charly provided by Kenny Everett.
Uses a beat from Meat Beat Manifesto's "Radio Babylon"
Vocals from a sample CD by Altern8
Contains vocal samples from 'Set It Off' by Big Daddy Kane.The sample is "I just can`t hold back".
Out Of Space
"I've gone sending to outer space, to find another race" are from "Chase The Devil" by Max Romeo and the Upsetters.
"I'll take your brain to another dimension, hold it, pay close attention" is from 'Critical Beatdown (When I Burn) by Ultramagnetic MC's
"Make me wanna shout" is from "Shout" by Lulu.
Everybody in the place
The vocal sample in Everybody in the place is from a speech by The Magnificent Ben Chapman and can be found on a track called We come to Rock by Freska Allstars (John Roche)
Vocal sample from 'Megablast' by Bomb The Bass.The line is from Rap Merlin, the MC on that track. (thanks to Joe Cooper)
Crazy Man
Atmospheric Sample from "The Shining"
Rip Up The Soundsystem
'Heyihey, Can you feel it?' by Simone
Vocal sample "50 thousands watts of funkin hip hop" in Rip Up the Sound System is from a compelation called Beats,Breaks and Scratches Volume 8 by Simon Harris.
We are the ruffest
"Come together" sample from Simone Angel
Weather experience
Intro vocals sample by Michael Fish, a BBC weather man
uses beat from Uptown's "Dope on Plastic"
"I am the God of Hellfire... and I bring you...FIRE..." sample is from "Fire" Is taken from Arthur Brown's "Crazy World of Arthur Brown" (A number one hit in the UK in 1968, it cost XL-Recording 4000Ј to use)
Samples from "Burn Cali Weed"
Ruff in the Jungle Bizness
Contains a vocal sample from In the Jungle by Just Ice.
Поделиться172005-08-03 22:25:30
Music For The Jilted Generation (Альбом и синглы с него)
According to most websites it's from the movie "The lawnmower man", but apparently it isn't or has been changed by Liam. Is also rumoured to be from a film called 'Naked Lunch'. If anyone knows the correct source, let me know!
Break and Enter
"Bring it down to Earth"-sample taken from "Casanova" by Baby D (which was remixed by Liam)
Their Law
"What we're dealing with here is a total lack of respect for the law" sample taken from the film Smokie And The Bandit OR, as other people say, spoken by Ray Liotta (of Goodfellas fame) in the film Unlawful Entry (co. starring Madeline Stowe & Kurt Russell).
I haven't seen either of those films, anyone knows?
Other vocals by Clint Mansell, the ex-frontman of Pop Will Eat Itself
Full Throttle
"We're going in; we're going in full throttle...That oughta keep those
fighters of our backs." is from Star Wars: Episode VI, A New Hope, during
the attack on the deathstar. It was reversed on the album to avoid copywrite valuation or, and that is new, it was actually sampled from the Ultramagnetic MCs track 'Break North'!
The sample of the laughing guy in "Full Trottle" is from a track called "Bounty Killir (1)" by "Depth Charge" from his album "Nine Deadly Venoms". (spotted by Luc Engelen)
Voodoo people
Vocal sample "It's the voodoo hoodoo what you don't dare to people" is taken from "The Shalimar" by Gylan Kain.
The guitar riff in Voodoo People is from the song "Very Ape" on Nirvana's album "In Utero" and on the album is played by Lance Riddler (=Liam Howlett ??)
Voodoo people (Dust Brothers remix)
Sample from "Fore Pete's sake" by Pete Rock & C.L. Smooth
Contains an audio sample from Beastie Boy`s track Slow Ride (on Licensed to ill).
The Heat (the energy)
Sample coming from the film "Poltergeist III".
in the background there are very low volume samples "Jump around" and "Hit the ground".
In Poison live version you can hear that riff from Prodigy's remix of "Release Yo Delf" by Methodman
Has a drum sample from 'It`s a New Day' by Skull Snaps
Rat Poison
Reversed sample from "Smells like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana
No Good
"You're no good for me, I don't need nobody. Don't need no-one that's no good for me" is sampled from "No good for me" by Kelly Charles.
One love
Vocal sample "One love, one love" is "Arabic Muezzin" sample from the ethnic vocals section of a Zero G sample CD by Time and Space Records
Rhythm Of Life
Samples from Led Zeppelin and "A Homeboy, a Hippie and a Funky Dred"
Claustrophobic sting
"My mind is going" ("My mind is glowing") : Samples from the film 2001: A Space Odyssey
The laughter sample is from the same source as Winx's single "Don't Laugh"
Поделиться182005-08-03 22:25:55
The Fat Of The land (альбом и синглы с него)
Smack my bitch up
"Change my pitch up, smack my bitch up" samples from Kool Keith are from The Ultramagnetic MC's 'Give The Drummer Some', found on the album Critical Breakdown)
Some of the drums are from the Ultramagnetic MCs track 'Critical Beatdown'
Some Beats are the same as in the end of Crazy Man.
Indian female vocal by the Middle Eastern artist Shahin Badar
The Intro to live gigs that was played before SMBU in 96-97 is taken from the film the Usual Suspects (as Mc Manus kills the 2 guys in the elevator on the way to whack Kobayashi). (spotted by John Roche)
No Man Army/One Man Army
Part of the drum beats on are lifted from 'ANOTHER BODY MURDERED', a track by Faith No More & Boo Yaa T.R.I.B.E. on the 'JUDGEMENT NIGHT OST' (spotted by Emlyn Cardiff)
Sword sounds from Wu-Tang Clan's "36 Chambers". Guitar sample is from John Barry's James Bond score
The Trick
Piano sample from the Flash Gordon Soundtrack
Serial Thrilla
The guitar riff is taken from "Selling Jesus" by Skunk Anansie.
Funky Shit
"attention all personel" sample in the live version is from the James Bond movie "Diamonds are forever".
'Oh my God, thats the funky shit' is sampled from the Beastie Boys song "Root Down". It also contains samples from '2-3 Break' by the B-Boys and "Ba-daa-da-da do-dadley-dadle-dadle!" (horns fill in) sample from 'Theme to SWAT' by the Rhythm Heritage
The breakdown of noises in the end of Funky Shit (which in live shows is played at other occasions as well) is from the title music of The Shining. (Spotted by Hedrock Valley Beats)
The drums are cut up and looped from the sample CD called Megabass 1 (old hardcore rave CD) (HVB)
The main riff from Mindfields is from a background sound from the James Bond movie 'The Man with the Golden Gun' and played during a scene at the river. Liam just added one note in the end!
Right after this scene in the movie follows a sound which is played many times at Prodigy gigs, mostly in the end of Smack My Bitch Up.
(Spotted by Hedrock Valley Beats)
"Recycled" sample from Climbatize
Inspired by Foo Fighters 'Weenie Beenie'
The "It's my own secret technique" sample in live version is taken from an old Japanese movie (thanks to Spencer aka Benny Blanco for the info)
It contains also that wahwah guitar sample from Breeders "SOS".
And that "Hey, hey, hey" sample is from "Close to the Edit" by Art Of Noise.
Liam has re-used a synth sound from Rat Poison in this song. It's originally from "Horn Track" by The Egyptian Empire
There is also Distorted Organ sample by The Who in this track
Contains a drum sample from a Jedi Knights song (there was war over this 3 years ago).Liam used it without permission from them but he then discovered they had used it from some other song to which no one owned the rights ,so Liam bought them thus getting Jedi Knights in trouble.All the attention alerted George Lucas who sued the Jedi Knights. (John Roche)
The sample is actually from a huge two minute conga break in the track Apache (originally written and performed by Cliff Richard's backing band the Shadows) by Michael Viner's Incredible Bongo Band recorded & released in 1974.
Поделиться192005-08-05 20:05:09
Короче RODIGY Это Ох***енная Тема
Вот И Всё
Отредактировано Zmaster (2005-08-05 21:45:56)
Поделиться202005-08-14 22:27:48
Поделиться212005-08-22 22:16:49
Только что вытащил с какого-то британского сайта промо-версию нового ремикса на Voodoo People от Pendulum. КЛАСС!!! Ждем сборник Their Law: 1990-2005
Поделиться222005-08-23 22:39:55
Хммм.. Я тож начить жду))
Поделиться232005-08-24 17:59:53
Итак, как уже сообщалось ранее, группа собирается отметить своё пятнадцатилетие выпуском сборника лучших хитов "Their Law: The Singles 1990-2005". Релиз диска в Англии официально утверждён на 17 отября! Стандартное издание, включающее в себя 15 сингловых треков группы, будет стоить 9 фунтов, а подарочное (с дополнительным cd) - 12 фунтов.
Во время недавнего интервью в Москве Лайам Хоулетт так прокоментировал содержание будущего сборника: "Один диск будет состоять из синглов, другой - из невыпущенных трэков, которые игрались вживую. Что касается новых, свежих трэков, то они появятся только на новом альбоме". Но уже вернувшись домой в Англию, в своём интернет-дневнике он уточнил: "На дополнительном CD будет несколько неизданных треков, немного ремиксов (среди них Voodoo Beats), живых треков, альтернативных версий, а также несколько би-сайдов, которые нам нравятся."
1 Firestarter (Original Mix)
2 Their Law (05 Edit)
3 Breathe (Original Mix)
4 Out Of Space (Original Mix)
5 Smack My Bitch Up (Original Mix)
6 Poison (95 EQ)
7 Girls (Original Mix)
8 Voodoo People (05 Edit)
9 Charly (Alley Cat Remix)
10 No Good (Start The Dance) (Original Mix)
11 Spitfire (05 Version)
12 Jericho (Original Mix)
13 Everybody In The Place (Fairground Remix)
14 One Love (Original 12" Mix)
15 Hot Ride (Original Mix)
16 Out Of Space (Audio Bullys Remix)
17 Razor (Original Mix)
18 Back 2 Skool (Original Mix)
19 Voodoo People (Pendulum Mix)
20 Under My Wheels (Remix)
21 No Man Army (Edit)
22 Molotov Bitch (Original Mix)
23 Voodoo Beats (Original Mix)
24 The Way It Is (Live Remix)
25 We Are The Ruffest (Original Mix)
26 Your Love (Original Mix)
27 Spitfire (Live)
28 Their Law (Live)
29 Breathe (Live)
30 Serial Thrilla (Live)
31 Firestarter (Live)
Теперь кое-что о синглах в поддержку сборника. 3 октября выйдет сингл "Out Of Space (Audio Bullys Remix)". Он будет доступен на CD и виниле по цене в 4 фунта.
Позже, 10 октября выйдет двойной винил с drum'n'bass-ремиксами, среди которых будут Voodoo People (Pendulum remix), Charly (dj zinc remix), Smack my bitch up (Subfocus remix), а также некоторые другие.
Поделиться242005-08-24 18:03:29
Парочка ремиксов, выходящих в ноябре (нажмите на название чтобы скачать отрывок):
Voodoo People (Pendulum remix)
Smack My Bitch Up (Sub Focus remix)
Ваши отзывы)
Поделиться252005-09-02 11:27:40
Супер! С этой группы началось моё притяжение с такой музыке, дальше рэп и т.д. Круто! Слов нет!
Поделиться262006-01-21 10:15:50
ппппооооолная фигня
Поделиться272006-02-11 09:28:36
The Prodigy - это легенда!! Их знают все и этим все сказано!!! Я люблю их!!
Поделиться282006-02-11 09:58:32
группа классная,музыка качественная и по-настоящему цепляет))
Поделиться292006-02-11 20:08:09
Чувак (который затеял эту тему). Ты случайно не с Академа?
Команда уже почти классическая. Реально легенда. Хотелось бы мне их звучания добавить в свои вещи. Эххх....
Поделиться302006-02-12 21:10:13
Prodigy возвращаются в студию для написания нового альбома
Лиам Хоулетт с большим энтузиазмом сообщил, что перебирается на следующей неделе в свою студию в западном Лондоне для того, чтобы начать писать новый альбом.
Текст письма:
bak from the dead state of new year.moving my gear to a west london studio next week, ready to start the new record.time for new things. hey ho lets go!!!!!!!!
i love u really gizz........master L
Отошёл от новогодних праздников. На следующей неделе перевезу всё необходимое в студию в западном Лондоне, готов начать запись нового альбома. Пришло время новых вещей. Поехали!!!!
Гизз, я тебя люблю...господин Л